Membership and Technology:
The RMA-TRMC has developed a portal where the members of the RMA can link in with fellow members. As part of this portal members can select whichever branch or virtual interest group they wish to join.
You will see below from a snapshot taken today that our membership stands at 269, which is a healthy number, it is in fact the 4th largest branch within the RMA if the virtual branches are removed.
Virtual branches include the RMA Families, the PT Branch and the RMA Cycling Club to name three.

However, the numbers do not add up as we have discrepancies between the number shown on the portal and what is included in our own branch membership and email distribution list. This is because anyone can ask to join the branch via the portal without completing a new member form.
RMA Bye-law 7.7
"Every RMA member shall, on their application being accepted, be deemed to have joined the HQ Roll as Full members, Associate members, Honorary members, or Supporting members and may then apply to join as many Branches as they wish".
Link to: RMA Bye-Laws (To view, you require access to the branch members' area).
Why is thit important to complete a joiners form?
Without completing our branch application we will not have access to the information required to contact these members due to GDPR restrictions. We therefore have a disconnect with part of our membership.
The committee will endeavor to contact all members who have joined via the portal and encourage them to complete a membership form. If they have not completed the form they remain in limbo and can not be included as part of the voting membership.
Membership engagement.
Our branch has many members living overseas who stay in touch via our website and newsletters. These members have every right to interact with our branch and its members and critically have a voice when it comes to elections and branch matters.
As a progressive branch, we provided the ability for members to vote online in our elections this year, ensuring the democratic process and keeping with the principle of one member one vote.

A Request to all Members.
For those members already on the membership list, please consider updating your membership information by speaking to the branch membership secretary or contacting us via requesting a membership form.
Spouse / Partner Membership
We would also encourage partners to become associate members of the RMA. This will offer access to information from the charity and the branch, including Welfare Support, Bereavement Support and best of all, discounts on branch and RMA-TRMC events.
Partners membership: Registering with RMA-TRMC is via this link followed by collecting a form on a branch member's night or contacting us through our contacts page to request a branch membership form.
Best regards, your committee...
